McMillan Library Recording Studio
If you would like to come use the recording studio you can set up a time for a new user orientation by clicking the button above. Patrons aged 14 and older who have a library card can then make reservations to use the studio.
Come record music, podcasts, voice-over, and audiobooks. We'll get you started with initial instruction on how to use the gear and provide you with further resources to help you go more in depth.
The recording studio is a self-learning studio. We can get you started on your journey, and trouble-shoot problems with the equipment, but you will need to consult the resources provided to learn the full breadth of capabilities. We cannot guarantee that a staff member will be available to help you after orientation. You can use the orientation request form to set-up a time for extra help, but due to the complexity of the software involved we might not have the necessary training to solve your problem--we may direct you to more resources and classes online.
The studio is free to use for McMillan Library card holders! Click the equipment button below to see what we have.